Superintendent's Weekly Update 10-15-21


“The Douglas Public Schools offer diverse learning experiences that meet the academic, social, physical, and emotional needs of all students. We provide a safe, supportive, and challenging learning environment in which students may achieve academic success and personal growth. Decisions are made in the best interest of students.” 


Food Service:

Due to national shortages of food and packaging materials, labor shortage and vendor delivery delays and cancellations, our menus are subject to change based on availability. Please know that our team is working hard to provide meals every day, adjust on the fly, and provide updates about menu changes as soon as possible. We may need to make quick menu substitutions based upon what we hand on hand, but we are trying our best to make comparable changes wherever possible. Thank you for your continued support and patience.

Adopt a Cow:

This week we were introduced to our cow that was adopted by our food service department. More information will be forthcoming in the next few weeks.

Name: Shine

Birthday: September 12, 2021

Gender: Heifer (Girl)

Breed of Dairy Cow: Holstein

Birth Weight: 120 Pounds

Birth Height: 37 inches

Pooled Testing:

This week we started our pooled testing. A huge thank you to our nursing staff for getting this up and running. We have about 20% of our school population participating in this program.

Family Engagement:

As I mentioned in a previous email, we have partnered with DESE and the School and Main Institute in order to increase our engagement levels with families. We do a tremendous job involving families in what is going on in our schools, but we need to do a better job engaging and partnering with you. Next week you will receive an email asking for each of you to be a part of a focus group with the School and Main Institute. They will ask participants a variety of questions as to how we can better engage with families. Your responses will be part of the plan they present to us on how we can work with and partner with families.

COVID Dashboard:

Attached is a link to our COVID Dashboard that will be updated weekly. Unlike last year where I sent our letters every time we had a COVID positive case, I will not do that this year. This Dashboard will provide you with weekly numbers by building. We will continue to reach out to close contacts and also to families if they have been exposed to a presumptive positive student.


Paul Vieira, Ed.D.


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