Superintendent's Newsletter 1/15/2021

Middle School Principal Interviews I am pleased to announce that on Tuesday January 19 I will be interviewing candidates for the interim principalship at the Middle School. I was very happy with the caliber of the people who applied and hope to make an announcement on a finalist the week of January 25. Coming Out of Remote: We will return to a full hybrid model on Thursday the 21st. Thank you to everyone for your flexibility and understanding during this time. I also want to say a huge thank you to families for following our safety protocols; you have helped us stay open by following them. It is not always easy, but it works. State Of The Schools I have asked each of the Principals and Ms. Urquhart to present to families a State of the Schools report in early February. This will highlight what we have done to date and where we are going for the remainder of the school year. These presentations will be about one hour in length with the first 30 minutes being the presentation...