Superintendent's Weekly Report 3/12/21

Hello, As most of you already know, it was announced at the School Committee Meeting this week that we will return back to school for 5 day, full in person instruction. Our Primary and Elementary School will start on March 22, 2021 and our Middle and High Schools will return on April 5, 2021. These dates are ahead of the proposed timeline established by DESE and this is the direct result of planning and hard work of our dedicated leadership team and staff. As a result of their efforts and the planning that started months ago, we are ready to safely come back to school. I owe them a huge debt of gratitude for making this possible. I have also asked the principals to host 2 community forums; one prior to returning to school and one once we return. I want to make sure that each of you has the opportunity to understand our back to school plan and be able to answer any questions you may have. Once we come back, it is important for us to meet again so that we can fill you in on the fir...