Superintendent's Weekly Newsletter 6-4-21

Hello, Throughout the course of the year I have mentioned that the light at the end of the COVID tunnel was getting closer and brighter. Last week we reached several major milestones; guidance has been released for next school year, kids and adults no longer need to wear masks outside, and our positivity rating is below 1%. As of today we will return to school in the Fall with all COVID restrictions lifted with the exception of wearing a mask in the buildings. This could change in the next 2 1/2 months, as I remain optimistic. Graduation was set for today for seniors, but Mother Nature did not want to corporate. It has been moved to Saturday at 5:30PM. This week seniors were able to participate in several senior week activities. Tuesday of this week was Class Night and through the generosity of our community over $45,000 in scholarships were handed out to members of the senior class. We have 84 proud graduates who are ready to go out and make their mark on the world. Our PTO this ...