Superintendent's Weekly Update 5/21/21

Hello, It has been a busy but a very productive week here in Douglas. Many of us were pleased with the news from the Governor, DESE, and the MIAA regarding masks. There are a lot of COVID updates in this newsletter and I thank you ahead of time for reading all of it. New Mask Guidance Effective, Wednesday May 18, the following guidelines are in place: Students no longer have to wear masks when outdoors, even if distance cannot be maintained Effective May 18th, this guidance update applies to recess, physical education, youth sports, and outdoor learning environments The following applies to student athletes: Athletes on spring teams in active play outdoors are not required to wear a mask/facial covering. Athletes when they are on the bench or in a dugout are not required to wear a mask/facial covering. Spectators and chaperones, coaches, staff, referees, umpires and other officials who can social distance while outdoors, are not required to wear a mask/face covering. Vis...