Superintendent's Weekly Update 9-1-21

Hi all, There is a lot of information to share with everyone this week. Thank you for taking the time to read everything here and enjoy the weekend. Open Houses One of our many goals this year is to try and return to a new normal for our students, staff, and community. As you may have seen on the District's Calendar we have our Open Houses scheduled for next week. We are happy to be able to provide these in person for families so that you are able to meet teachers and see your student's classrooms in person. However in order to do so safely we need to add some additional safety protocols to make sure that you and staff are safe. We have created a more formalized structure for the evening to limit the amount of people in classrooms at one time. We are also only allowing one parent/guardian per child to attend. This will again allow for us to make sure we have enough spacing in our classrooms for safety. As a reminder, masks are required at all times when inside the buildings. ...