Superintendent's Weekly Newsletter---October 9, 2020
Newsletter Highlights Include: Superintendent’s Goals Athletic User Fees PreSchool Tuition Zoom Information COVID Travel Order School Lunch Information Town Hall Forum Phases of learning DPS Weekly COVID Dashboard Substitute teachers Important Documents I want to provide everyone with a brief update on the COVID situation at the DES. As you know we had one staff member test positive on Monday. We did our contact tracing for that staff member and we were able to identify 8 close contacts. To date we have received confirmation of 4 negative tests and as more test results come back I will share them with you. To be clear people are not required to be tested, but everyone will have to quarantine for 14 days. I also wanted to extend my continued thanks and appreciation to you for your continued support of the schools but more importantly our teachers. Like all of us in this pandemic, we have had to deal with challenges and curveballs. A first year teacher, before they teach their ...