
Showing posts from August 16, 2020

Superintendent's Weekly Update August 21, 2020

Newsletter Highlights Include: Student Cohorts Douglas Learning Academy Informational Zoom Meeting from Email Principals and Nurse Bussing Sports Flu vaccination, Masks, and Safety Protocols Hello, I hope everyone has had a great week. It is hard to believe that a week from Monday is the first day of school for faculty and staff and we are 3 weeks away from having students back. This week, we started our summer learning program and it has been awesome seeing kids and teachers back in school. I may not be able to see their smiles through masks, but you can clearly see it in their eyes. It was evident and made me happy. My newsletter is lengthy this week so thank you for taking the time to read through all of it. Principals are working to finalize which cohort your student will be in for the 2020-2021 school year. This information will be sent out next week from each school. Once cohorts have been established, principals will work on assigning students to teachers. This will be available...

Superintendent's Newsletter August 19, 2020

Dear Douglas Community, The purpose of this statement is to address what were false statements, gross inaccuracies, and a misrepresentation of the facts at the August 18, 2020 Douglas Board of Selectmen’s Meeting regarding the school’s ability to open on September 16, 2020. The first false statement made was that the school department was negligent in our procurement of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). In mid July the Town Administrator had informed us that there were grant funds available that could fund PPE and he agreed to partner with the schools to purchase the required PPE for the schools. We were grateful for this opportunity as it allowed us to use the funds that we had allocated for PPE for students for other important purchases, such as technology for remote learning. On July 24, 2020 the schools sent our list of PPE materials to the Town Administrator. This list included the numbers of equipment we needed for 12 weeks of school based on calculations from the Department o...