Superintendent's Newsletter 1/8/2021

Dear Douglas Community, Happy New Year to everyone. I have a lot of information to share this week so I do apologize for the length of this message. Thank you for taking the time to read this to the end. State Of The Schools I have asked each of the Principals and Ms. Urquhart to present to families a State of the Schools report in early February. This will highlight what we have done to date and where we are going for the remainder of the school year. These presentations will be about one hour in length with the first 30 minutes being the presentation and the last 30 for questions from families. The following are the dates and times and Zoom links will be sent out shortly. DPS 2/10 @630 DES 2/9 @545 DMS 2/8 @ 630 DHS 2/11 TBD OSSS 2/8 @ 630 COVID Data Attached is a link to our COVID Dashboard. This is updated every week and I have revamped and added some new information from previous weeks. The numbers locally and in the state have fluctuated from last week to this week. U...