Superintendent's Weekly Update---12/11/2020

Hello, I hope and trust that everyone had a good week. Below are some updates I wanted to share. I am optimistic that we are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, it is very faint, but it is there. We must persevere a bit longer during the next couple of months and follow the guidelines that have been outlined to get through this. I hope that by the end of the year my newsletters have nothing to do with COVID; as I am confident that you do as well. Rapid Covid Testing: The Douglas Public Schools will soon be able to offer rapid COVID-19 testing for symptomatic staff and students participating in any type of in-person instruction. If you have not already received an email from Project Beacon (a third party non-profit organization contracted to compile consent for testing and to share test results), please be on the lookout for it. Please use the Project Beacon as the primary method to give us consent, the paper copy should be used for people who are struggling connec...