Superintendent's Weekly Update 7/30/2020
Newsletter Highlights Include: Update guidance from DESE Two proposed back to school models Town Hall Forum and Zoom Links Student Forum Hello, This week I hosted both staff and community forums. In these 4 zoom sessions I had over 200 participate, offer feedback, and have the ability to ask questions. I thank all of those that attended, asked questions, and sent me emails. Your voice matters and is being heard. Many of your suggestions and feedback have been discussed with our administrative team and we have modified some of our thinking and planning as a result of it. THANK YOU. I have sent out in different emails and social media platforms some of the changes and new guidance that we have received from DESE this past week. Below are some highlights: Transportation: Masks : All staff and students on the bus, regardless of age, are required to wear masks at all times. Distance : Students should be seated no more than one student per bench, alternating sides f...