Superintendent's Weekly Update 3/5/21

Hello, Thank you to those parents and community members that attended the School Committee meeting on Wednesday. On Monday, March 8 at 630PM I will host a community forum on our back to school plan. The presentation will be similar to the one that I presented at the School Committee Meeting on Wednesday night, however as we have seen throughout the pandemic, information changes daily and there very well could be new information presented. The presentation will last about 20 minutes and the remainder of the time will be dedicated to questions from you. Below is a link to the Community Forum. Topic: Community Forum Time: Mar 8, 2021 06:30 PM Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 859 5345 3927 Password: 324249 Additional Forums: I have asked principals to set up building specific community forums to be able to share with you building based plans on what a full return to school plan will look like and to a...