Superintendent's Newsletter 1/29/21

Hello, One thing I can say for certain is that winter is here. After some very comfortable days, mother nature has certainly made sure we know she did not forget about winter. Although I am not a skier, this weather is making for some great skiing, which I am certain makes people happy. It is also difficult to believe that next week we hit the halfway point of the school year. February 2 will be our 85th day of school. Middle School Principal I am very pleased to announce that on Monday February 1, Mr. Ralph Olsen will start as the interim Middle School Principal. Mr. Olsen spent several years as a high school teacher, before going into a leadership position. He retired in 2005 as the principal of Framingham High School and has spent the last 15 years in a variety of interim positions in both middle schools and high schools. He is meeting today with Ms. Urquhart and Mr. Aronian to get a head start for his first day and learn a little about the school and the district. Withi...