Superintendent's Weekly Update 2-18-2022
“The Douglas Public Schools offer diverse learning experiences that meet the academic, social, physical, and emotional needs of all students. We provide a safe, supportive, and challenging learning environment in which students may achieve academic success and personal growth. Decisions are made in the best interest of students.” Masking: Last week, Commissioner Riley and Governor Baker announced that the mask mandate in public schools will be lifted effective Monday February 28, 2022. As a result of this, we are holding a School Committee meeting on Wednesday, February 23, 2022 at 7PM via Zoom where my recommendation to the Committee will be to rescind our mask policy and follow the Governor’s and Commissioner's recommendation. If the School Committee votes to approve my recommendation, they will rescind all of our current mask policy language. This vote is needed by the School Committee in order for us to be mask optional. If the School Committee does vote to rescind our...