Superintendent's Weekly Update 9-24-21

Hi all, Our District’s Mission Statement reads, “The Douglas Public Schools offer diverse learning experiences that meet the academic, social, physical, and emotional needs of all students. We provide a safe, supportive, and challenging learning environment in which students may achieve academic success and personal growth. Decisions are made in the best interest of students.” This statement represents the values and beliefs of our schools and serves as our guide for our decision making. Going forward, I will include the Mission Statement at the start of all my newsletters as a reminder for all of us as to who we are and what we believe in. I have also asked the principals to include this in the start of their newsletters to you as well. I believe this is important as we all work collaboratively in the best interests of our students. Family School Partnership Initiative: I am very pleased to announce that we have been awarded a grant to participate in the Family School Partnershi...