Superintendent's Weekly Update 9-17-21

Hi all, I hope everyone had a great week. I enjoyed the opportunity to meet many of you this week at our open houses. Again it was a return to some sense of normalcy here for everyone in the Douglas Public Schools. Early this week Mr. O’Brien, our Middle School Principal, shared an observation he made of our students. Every day during bus duty he greets students as they come off the bus. He says more often than not, he hears students thanking the bus drivers and wishing them a good day. This is a testament to our students and our community. All too often we hear about the negative things students do and not the positive. I am certain you share in my pride in hearing this! Grant Approval Great news-- we have been awarded $6,000 to purchase equipment and supplies to enhance and improve the breakfast program!The funds will be used for: Purchasing a new sliding door refrigerator for the Primary School breakfasts to allow for fast & easy access to Grab & Go Purchasing he...