Superintendent's Weekly Update 10-1-21
“The Douglas Public Schools offer diverse learning experiences that meet the academic, social, physical, and emotional needs of all students. We provide a safe, supportive, and challenging learning environment in which students may achieve academic success and personal growth. Decisions are made in the best interest of students.” Literacy: Earlier this week we held a professional development opportunity for K-5 teachers around literacy. The focus of the professional development was how to use read aloud inside our classrooms. Read aloud helps students develop a love of reading, builds upon their comprehension skills, promotes meaningful discussion around the text, and helps build a sense of community with students. I am excited to see how we build upon this in the upcoming school year as this will most certainly help our students. BVEXCEL Last year our consortium received a grant “to develop a collaborative model for the Blackstone Valley School Districts to provide non-tr...