Superintendent's Weekly Update 2/12/21

Hello, I would like to wish everyone a restful and enjoyable February break. It only seems like a few days ago we were getting ready for Christmas break. If the next 7 weeks go by as quickly as these last 7 weeks, we will shortly be enjoying spring weather and everything associated with it. I would also like to thank the principals and all the parents that attended our state of the schools presentation. It is important for us to share with you what is happening in our schools and it is equally important for us to be partners with you in this process. Thank you to those that attended and your continued support. As a reminder, if you test positive, become ill, or have to quarantine please notify the school during the vacation week. We need this information to stay safe and open. Return to School Survey: On Wednesday, I sent out a return to school survey that I am asking everyone to fill out. To date we have had over 850 people respond. I will keep the survey open through the middle...