
Showing posts from February 21, 2021

Superintendent's Weekly Update 2/26/2021

  Hello, It has been a great first week back to school since vacation. I have enjoyed seeing the kids back in school and in classes learning. The return from February break to me always marks the beginning of the push towards the end of the school year. The sun is out in the morning, the days are getting longer, we change the clocks in a few weeks, and the weather begins to change. It was amazing to see the sun on Wednesday and have it be close to 50 out. Good things are on the horizon on all fronts. As people are aware Governor Baker and Commissioner Riley announced a proposed change in the regulations to bring back all elementary students in April. The Board of Education still needs to vote on the regulatory change in a few weeks and I will need to meet with DTA Leadership to work on details of the return. The vote would eliminate schools being able to offer a fully hybrid or remote option as the main way to educate students. This would pave the way for elementary students to ret...

Superintendent's Weekly Update 2/21/21

  Hello, Thank you to those that took the time to fill out the survey last week on returning to school, it gave me very clear data and information. As I said in the summer, the goal has been and will continue to be to have students, faculty, and staff safely return to school for in person instruction. It is what everyone in the Douglas Public Schools want for our students. We just need to make certain that we are doing it safely.  Survey Results: We had 992 responses to the survey across the district. As a point of reference we have about 1150 students; which is a great response rate from the community. Below are the results of the survey: If the Douglas Public Schools are to return to full person instruction will you send your student back to school full time? 87% of the people answered yes (864 yes- 128 no) If your student is currently fully remote will you stay fully remote? 78% of the people answered no (92 yes-323 no) Additional data will be needed as 415 people responded...