Superintendent's Weekly Update 1/22/2021



Over the last week you have received a lot of emails and calls from me with information. I will try and keep my newsletter short this week. 

I would like to reiterate the importance of following the safety guidelines we have in place. Many of the issues we have had come as a result of these not being adhered to. Numbers are all trending downwards and this is great news, but we must continue to stay vigilant and mindful of the guidance. We need your help if we are to stay open for our students. 

  1. Avoid large social gatherings

  2. Wear a mask

  3. Practice social distancing

  4. Wash your hands frequently

  5. Follow the guidance set forth by the Governor

  6. If the Board of Health calls, please answer and provide them with the information they need

  7. If you are sick, stay home

  8. If you live with someone that is symptomatic, stay home until they test negative


Attached is a link to our COVID Dashboard along with guidance and information for families. Link To COVID Dashboard  guidance for families 

Have a great weekend!



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